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Do you know a girl Called ?
23 juillet 2009


M y Dance Story


...F irst
In this article I talk about my passion The Dance, & My Dance story ...
...Its efforts on that dance is more than couragous It has the flexibility of the back and legs All what I can say his story about the Dance:
...This girl when she was 11 years old, She was in her room
Only her sister came to her, she said
[ "Zineb Come with me I have something to you"]
Zineb has had with his sister without saying anything
After she saw the film of Save The Last Dance In The Dernieer Chapter The Last Dance Or the beginning of this extraordinary film Zineb leaves the mouth open and she loved This part of the dance She wants to become like her. But it remains tjr dream she has always dreamed that one day will become Dancer ... But When She Was 13.5ans it wants begin to dance to realize this dream 1stShe had a lot of suffering but it is brave, She continued Her Dance And these are the results and now she can say this expression
[ "One Day I Will Dancer"] ...It is a small story of his Dance
The Girl She has stories in Her Life In Her Dreams ... And full of things

caderPeax :: Voila MOn Histoire de La Danse , Je Parle de mon histoire de La danse , J'ai raconté Comme ci Je raconte L'histoire D'une Autre , Je Préfère Toujours Raconter Ma Vie & Mes Passions ... , Comme ça Car J'écris Tout ce Que je sentis Sans Dire Que là C'est de ma vie .....

P.s :: [ Dance Video  ]


M y Dance Story

Enchantée Mélanie (:
je m'appelle mélanie et je fais du scrapbooking depuis plus d'1 an.en tout cas ca me fais très plaisir que tu sois passé sur mon blog.
Hello, où est-ce que tu fais tes spectacles, ça à l'air bien sympa ?<br /> Sinon, par curiosité, Tu t'exprimes en anglais ou en frenchy d'habitude (enfin, je veux dire en dehors de la danse) ?
Oh Le plaisir est à moi de ta réponse je te remercie (:
Do you know a girl Called ?
  • ●▐▬▌℮ l l Ø ! Welcome on ZinebxElOuazzani ♥ . This Canalblog is dedicated to All My Life , My stories , dance , my life story ... , I am already a dancer, all alone with a story, Strange and sad. i'm just a simple Girl , Called Zineb ...
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